Refinery Maintenance

Our highly trained staff can help facilitate all your refinery maintenance needs

We provide efficient, thorough contract
maintenance and repairs

Maintenance is one of the most fundamental aspects of all industrial plants. It is what keeps the plant running smoothly and efficiently as well as prevent dangerous or costly accidents from occurring. However, industrial and refinery maintenance can be a very challenging, expensive, and time-consuming undertaking for many companies.


Full service

We provide full, comprehensive services for all your maintenance needs. This integrated approach ensures that nothing is left out, missed, or neglected. It also allows us to better understand your facility. This can prevent accidents, fix problems, and maximize efficiency.


Single point of contact

Clear communication is a crucial component of any successful project. We manage each phase of work by providing benchmarks and a clear timeline that makes operations run smoothly. This improves workflow making the process more efficient and create better working relationships.

Highly trained staff

SCA utilizes a highly trained staff of employees for all our maintenance jobs. This ensures that they understand the potential risks and conditions at your operating facility.  This will help to reduce the chance of accidents or injuries. It also means that you can rest easy knowing that your maintenance needs are being met by a competent, professional team of workers who care about doing the best job possible.


Outstanding maintenance

At SCA, we understand our customers’ goal to develop effective maintenance operations. We are committed to managing the contract in a way that will increase owner profitability and improve safety and working conditions. We provide nothing less than outstanding maintenance services.

Your 1-stop engineering solution provider.

We deliver sustainable engineering solutions and services to various industries internationally and locally.